Category: Medicine

Different Types of Dreams

The dream world is not always pleasant. Who has not had a nightmare? This is a kind of dream that we would rather not have! And yet nightmares are also messengers that can help us understand our fears and much more …

According to Jeremy Taylor, author of the excellent book “Where people fly and water runs Uphill”, nightmares are a way for the unconscious to make the dreamer understand the importance of the message he is trying to send. The nightmare impresses a lot
more than an ordinary dream, we do not forget it. In this sense the nightmare is beneficial, and it must be paid close attention.

Certain dreams can highlight our feelings of inferiority, the lack of self-confidence in a situation. They can also express the anxiety that we live in reality, or the dream makes us realize our fear of having to face certain problems. All of this translates into dreams where we go through assaults, leaks, disproportionate fighting and other unpleasant events.

Bad dreams are not inherently negative, on the contrary. According to dream interpretation expert Medium Christina, such dreams can announce a passage, a transition, a modification of our self. So do not consider dreams of death as a bad omen, death symbolizes change and rebirth. Any change is difficult to accept and to live, but after the fact we realize that it brings a great wealth in our life.

Recurring dreams

Pay special attention to recurring dreams, that is to say, dreams that come back often.

They have a particularly important message to transmit to us and if we do not take the trouble to understand them they will come back to haunt our nights again and again … The recurring dream is generally an effort to compensate for a particular defect in the attitude of the dreamer with regard to life. Or it can be traced back to a trauma that marked the individual. It is also possible that such a dream is a warning, a warning or a preparation that anticipates an important event to come.

There comes a time when we have to face our fear, and for that we can use the lucid dream technique. It is a method where before falling asleep we program ourselves: the minute the recurring nightmare begins, or when the character who terrifies us appears, we will become aware that we are dreaming and that we can face the situation without danger.

It will then be a question of going out of its terror and of confronting fear either by speaking with it or by chasing it, or even by killing it. By doing this we will become aware of the roots of this fear and we will eliminate it definitively. This approach is effective for both adults and children. For children we can also offer a talisman object to slip under the pillow and which will protect them.

Premonitory dreams

Dreams that announce an event very clearly and precisely are much rarer than you might think, but this can happen in some people.
There are dreams which resemble premonitory dreams, but which are only the projection of fears or unconscious expectations; and there are also real premonitory dreams, which are made by people who have a particular sensitivity that allows them to access what we could call the universal fabric.

In the non-physical world, the past and the future do not exist, just as there are no boundaries between people. Time and space do not exist. Everything takes place simultaneously. In a dream state (or clairvoyance, trance …) we can therefore have access to a scene from a possible future. Or we are given information to prepare us for an important but difficult event in our life.

Some people also experience very strong emotions in dreams experienced by victims of wars, disasters or murders. They learn about the event in the news after the fact and think they had a premonitory dream, but they are rather telepathic dreams.

We must consider every dream in its symbolic aspect. True premonitory dreams are different from usual dreams, we keep a very precise memory of them, they are very real, and we feel very intense emotions. Keep in mind that dreams are there for us
help, not to scare us. So rather than worry when such a dream occurs, it is better to keep calm and imagine a different but positive scenario to defuse the fear. We have to understand how this dream seeks to help us, and sometimes it takes years before we understand the significance of a dream. So be patient!

Some dreams are prophetic, others are there to warn us, so that by changing certain behaviors or attitudes we will avoid unpleasant situations. It may even happen that these dreams save our lives, like that of a policeman who dreamed that he was inspecting a house he thought deserted and was attacked from behind with an axe. When this policeman found himself in the same house as that of his nightmare, the memory of this dream saved his life.

Categories: Medicine

How To Fight Depressive Tendencies In New Moms

“Baby blues” is a common experience experienced by most moms who just gave birth.

As hormone levels adjust to their normal range, this triggers different issues like sleep problems, mood swings and anxiety. But if these symptoms persist for a long time, it’s possible that you will be diagnosed with postpartum depression.

1 out of 7 women experience postpartum depression. This typically starts as depressive tendencies then may escalate to an intense feeling of sadness. You will go through a series of crying episodes and possibly find yourself withdrawing from social events.

Irritability, anger, panic attacks and anxiety are the initial symptoms you need to watch out for. For severe cases, some moms have suicidal tendencies and even have thoughts of harming their child. As the depressive tendencies progress, severe mood swings, extreme lack of energy, erratic decisions and difficulty bonding with the baby will manifest themselves.

If you feel like the baby blues are overcoming your day, tell your partner or a family member about it. You can also set up an appointment with your physician and discuss what the treatment options are. Getting better could take months, so catching this problem as early as possible is crucial.

Aside from the treatments you will receive from your doctor, here are other ways to help fight such depressive tendencies.

Natural Remedies

Taking daily multivitamins is a must even if you are not suffering from any condition. In addition taking omega-3 supplements can be another option as they are getting many researchers’ attention today regarding their ability to fight depression.

A recent medical study reported that the development of depression has an association with the low dietary intake of omega-3, an essential fatty acid that is known to prevent coronary diseases as well. Many breastfeeding moms purchase fish oil as a source of their omega-3 to improve their breastmilk. You can also get omega-3 from chia seeds, flax seeds, salmon, mackerel and other oily fish.

Another published scientific study in the Journal of Affective Disorders stated that among the vitamins they studied (Riboflavin or Vitamin B12, folate, pyridoxine and cobalamin), only riboflavin showed positive effects in improving mood disorders. The research also suggests moderate consumption of this vitamin will show the best results.

Know that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration does not regulate herbal supplements. If you choose to use such natural remedies, it is also best to consult your doctor about it first.

Stay Sane

All moms would attest to how newborn babies can make you crazy. Taking some time off to do something else other than housework and caring for your child should also be a priority. Make it a habit to get dressed, leave the house and run errands on your own, just to change your mood at least.

You can also get a babysitter and catch up with friends. The physical and mental stress of being a new moms are not a joke and the only way to keep yourself sane is to make sure you get some time off once in awhile.

Take Care Of Yourself

You will not be able to take care of other people if you cannot take care of yourself. Caring for a newborn will be the most stressful months of your life and they require constant attention, love and affection.

If baby blues are bugging you, asking your spouse to take over once in awhile will help you get some time off to step back and assess the matters that are weighing you down. Do you need to see a physician? Or do you just need a break? Pondering these questions will make you realize the best solutions to take.

Try to stay active even if you just gave birth. Take your baby out in a carrier or a stroller, grocery shop together and make sure to pick healthy foods. Sleep as often as possible if there is an opportunity to do so and do whatever you can to stay physically and mentally healthy.

Set Realistic Goals

Never expect to be perfect at parenting. Nobody is!

The dirty dishes and uncleaned floors, unfolded laundry and messy toys can wait for a while. Set realistic goals when it comes to accomplishing your duties as a new mom. Nobody cares if your house is a mess. As long as your baby has fresh diapers, clean clothes, and feeds on time, you are doing a wonderful job.

When depressive tendencies become full-blown postpartum depression, it is usually treated with antidepressant medications. But these medications can get in the way of breastfeeding. Getting therapy with a mental health provider is also another option your primary doctor can offer.

Postpartum depression is not a condition you can treat all on your own. If you prefer a holistic treatment plan, talk to your doctor about it.

Categories: Medicine